Every Nebraskan deserves affordable medicine to maintain a healthy life
This afternoon, Nebraska Appleseed is joining the People Over Pharma Profits National Day of Action by delivering letters from impacted Nebraskans and health care advocates. At some point, everyone gets sick and may need prescription medicine to feel better. Every Nebraskan deserves affordable prescription medicine to maintain a healthy life and to take care of themselves and their families. Nebraska Appleseed’s Health Care Access Program Director, Molly McCleery says:
“Pharmaceutical and drug corporations are standing in the way of Nebraskan’s health and economic security. Prescription drug prices are substantially high, forcing people to make the difficult choice between medicine and other basic necessities. No one should have to go without treatment, go into debt, or watch their loved ones suffer without the medicine they need to get better. Our members of Congress need to put the health of Nebraskans first and to take action to lower prescription drug prices.”
Denise Dickeson, Nebraska Appleseed volunteer:
“Our healthcare system should be accessible and affordable to all Nebraskans. I have an uncommon invisible condition that does not allow me to have a stable job. Instead, I volunteer and help others in my community. Because of my condition, I’m on 13 different medications, all of which work in conjunction to keep me alive and healthy. However, many Nebraskans cannot afford the medicine they need. When we cannot afford our medicine, it only leads to detrimental health consequences. No one should have to choose between food and medicine.”
Today at noon, we are delivering letters to Senators Ben Sasse and Deb Fischer to demand they take action to lower the cost of prescription drugs. To learn more about our efforts, contact Appleseed’s Health Care Access Program Organizer, Gwen McElhattan at gmcelhattan@neappleseed.org.