Your voice is important in ensuring that we are building a vibrant, diverse, and inclusive Nebraska.

Say NO to LB258!

When Nebraskans went to the ballot box in 2022, we voted to gradually raise our state’s minimum wage to $15 per hour by January 2026 — and to automatically adjust it for cost of living increases starting in 2027. More than 300 Nebraskans businesses also signed on to support Initiative 433, acknowledging the many reasons why paying workers a fair wage is good for business and good for the economy.

LB258, introduced by Senator Jane Raybould, would harm workers by severely weakening Nebraska’s minimum wage law by carving out a subminimum wage for youth workers AND restricting the cost of living increases that Nebraskans voted for.

Will you email your senator and tell them to oppose LB258?

Tell your senator to OPPOSE AM545 to LB415!

Last November, voters across Nebraska overwhelmingly passed Initiative 436, a statewide ballot initiative that gives all workers the ability to earn and use paid sick leave – without retaliation from their employers. This voter-approved law goes into effect on October 1, 2025.

The Business and Labor Committee has prioritized LB415 (Sen. Beau Ballard), which includes a pending amendment (AM545) that would exempt several groups of workers from receiving earned sick leave – including seasonal and temporary agricultural workers, and workers under the age of 16. Additionally, AM545 exempts businesses with 10 or fewer employees from having to provide paid sick leave, and it removes important protections for workers who face retaliation from their employers for using paid sick leave.

Will you email your senator and tell them to oppose AM545 to LB415? 

Tell Congress NO to slashing health care & food programs to fund separating families!

Right now, Congress is considering budget legislation that would slash healthcare, food access, and other essential public services – in order to fund sweeping deportations of longtime community members and to expand tax cuts for the ultra-wealthy and large corporations.

Now is the time to tell our members of Congress that Nebraskans support stability for immigrant community members and whole communities, NOT budgets that would cut health care, take food off the table, and separate local families and neighbors who are stuck in limbo because of long-outdated immigration laws.


You’re not alone. SNAP benefits are supposed to reduce food insecurity for low-income Nebraskans, not increase their financial hardship. Unfortunately, we know that around 7,000 Nebraska households deal with a SNAP overpayment (approximately $6.5 million) every year, often through no fault of their own. You can share your experience regarding Nebraska SNAP overpayments with us at Nebraska Appleseed. If you choose to fill out this form, our team might reach out to you to discuss your SNAP overpayment experience further.

We also have additional information available on our SNAP Overpayments page.

Tell Congress It’s Time for Positive Immigration Laws

Congress has not meaningfully updated our immigration laws in more than 35 years, causing unnecessary harm to Nebraska families and whole communities.

Tell Nebraska’s members of Congress it’s time for positive immigration laws and stability for local families and communities.

You can use the example script provided. Choose a few points that matter most to you.

We Want To Hear Your Health Care Story!

Your Voice Makes a Difference. The work that we do at Nebraska Appleseed is driven by hearing from Nebraskans like you. Our Health Care Access Program is fighting for quality health care that is affordable and accessible for all.

By sharing your story with us, it helps us ensure that our work is community led, strengthens our calls for change by connecting policies to the lives of real Nebraskans, and builds community power by pushing for policies that actually serve our communities.

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