Nebraska Appleseed’s Health Care Community Advocates Cohort (CAC) is an 8-month advocacy training program composed of impacted community members who meet at least once a month to participate in advocacy trainings and actions. 

Cohort members are Nebraska community members who have personally experienced challenges accessing health care and are passionate about making positive changes in our state. This health care cohort is a new program that Nebraska Appleseed piloted in 2023-24 to engage and prepare impacted community members to be long-term advocates.

A new cohort will launch in September of 2024. Cohort members are given a monthly stipend to compensate them for their time learning advocacy skills. Those interested in joining the 2024-2025 cohort should fill out our application form below.

Nebraska Appleseed Health Care CACNebraska Appleseed Health Care CAC
The Health Care CAC is not just a training program – it is a catalyst for change! Together, we strengthen advocacy and community engagement skills while also building long-term relationships with community members across our state. By joining the CAC, you can be part of a movement that is making a real difference in our community!

Through the CAC Experience, Cohort Members Learn:

  • How to effectively tell their health care stories;
  • What policy opportunities exist to improve healthcare access on state and federal levels;
  • Tactics to reduce stigma around health disparities;
  • Ways to leverage their voices to make real change for Nebraskans and
  • Strategies for movement building.

YEAR 1: THE 2023-24 COHORT

In 2023-24, we piloted the Health Care Community Cohort (CAC) with 6 community members. Through this cohort, members brought attention to health care access issues and solutions that personally impacted them through direct advocacy and awareness-raising efforts. Members practiced what they learned during CAC trainings by contacting elected officials, sharing resources in our Nebraska community, writing letters to state senators and federal members of Congress, sharing testimonials, and speaking at legislative hearings.

The CAC focuses on four core skills for creating change: practical advocacy and storytelling, strategic communication and public speaking, community leadership development, and policy knowledge and influence.


  • 4 CAC graduates (all who have experienced challenges accessing health care)
  • 11 in-person or virtual cohort meetings over 10 months
  • 132 combined hours of sharing, learning, and advocacy
  • $2,430 in community compensation & expenses reimbursed
  • 5 positive state Medicaid priority bills passed
  • 25+ direct outreaches to elected officials
  • Advocacy regarding social determinants of health
  • Sense of belonging, validation, and comradery
Nebraska Appleseed Health Care CACNebraska Appleseed Health Care CAC


“I started my journey in advocacy about 7 years ago, but this cohort streamlined the reasons why I advocated and taught me how to make a bigger impact. This year has been one of the most meaningful years of my life in regards to helping my community and I give much of the credit to this cohort. I believe it has now turned into the cornerstone of my advocacy journey because I know this is just the beginning. I also have to say that this facilitator had a way of involving everyone and making the virtual classroom feel safe.”

Marshawn, CAC member

“As an immigrant, I increased awareness of how individual actions could improve communities’ quality of life and got involved in legislation. Also, I heard other cohort classmates’ stories and journeys and learned the power of storytelling and open conversation with city governance to promote change.“

Maritza, CAC member
Nebraska Appleseed Health Care CACNebraska Appleseed Health Care CAC


We are currently recruiting members for the CAC. Our training will start in mid-to-late September 2024 and go through late April to early May 2025. If you have ever struggled with accessing health care, complete our interest form to learn more about this and other advocacy opportunities. Impacted advocates are compensated for their time and expertise.

If you are a non-profit partner interested in learning more about our cohort model, please contact Freedom Thompson to find a time to connect.


The Nebraska Appleseed Health Care Community Advocates Cohort (HCCAC) is an advocacy training opportunity that brings together people who have direct experience with health care challenges (for example, this could include, but is not limited to: having Medicaid coverage (past or present), medical debt, or issues with accessing quality, affordable health care in Nebraska.). The HCCAC will train people to draw upon their experience and build organizing skills to advocate for policy that improves access to health care in Nebraska. We will work to build and develop relationships with others in our communities through intentional conversations, skill and story sharing, and learning how to engage with media, make change, and grow the movement.

The HCCAC will take place over the course of 8 months (September 2024 – April 2025). Cohort participants will be expected to attend a monthly virtual meeting and will be paid for their time up to 4 hours per month at $20/hour. Cohort participant responsibilities may include some light “homework” after each cohort meeting that will be a part of the 4 hours of time per month.

If you need assistance filling out this application or have any questions, please reach out to Freedom Thompson at 402-525-8143 or

When completing this form, please keep in mind that:

  1. We strongly encourage you NOT to include highly sensitive information as you fill out this form (such as medical conditions, diagnoses, or immigration status). Instead try to speak to your experiences generally without specific details.
  2. Completing this form does not guarantee that you will be accepted to participate in the Health Care Community Advocates Cohort. If you do eventually participate in the Cohort, your participation does not mean that you are an employee of Nebraska Appleseed.
  3. At this time, we are only able to accept applicants who are proficient in English (written and verbal).
  4. Upon acceptance into this program, we hope you prioritize our time together to get the most out of this opportunity.

What experience do you have with these types of advocacy and leadership?

  1. Advocating for yourself and others in your Community
  2. Advocating to a public official
  3. Speaking publicly about an issue related to your health care experience
  4. Other advocacy efforts
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