You’re not alone. SNAP benefits are supposed to reduce food insecurity for low-income Nebraskans, not increase their financial hardship. Unfortunately, we know that around 7,000 Nebraska households deal with a SNAP overpayment (approximately $6.5 million) every year, often through no fault of their own. Use the form below to share your experience regarding Nebraska SNAP overpayments with us at Nebraska Appleseed. If you choose to fill out this form, our team might reach out to you to discuss your SNAP overpayment experience further. We also have additional information available on our SNAP Overpayments page.

Appleseed will take every possible measure to keep any information you provide on this form confidential. You can find our privacy policy here. Please note that completing this form or receiving an email or phone call from us does not create an attorney-client relationship.

Have you received a Demand Letter from the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) regarding a SNAP overpayment? Refer to our SNAP Overpayments page for an example Demand Letter. If so, we would like to see it if possible. This is completely optional. Sharing your Demand Letter would help us monitor how DHHS communicates with Nebraskans dealing with SNAP overpayments. By uploading any documents, you consent to sharing any information included in the document with Nebraska Appleseed. Uploading a Demand Letter does not create an attorney-client relationship. If you have a Demand Letter, you may upload it here.

Please briefly share any other information relevant to your SNAP overpayment. Please do not include highly sensitive information as you fill out this form (such as immigration status, details of a fraud investigation, bank account/financial information, etc.).

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