The resources provided by the LRC are intended to assist attorneys in juvenile court practice and encourage systemic change within Nebraska’s child welfare system. If you have not already, we encourage you to join our listserv and receive such valuable information as the regularly released Foster Care Reform Update. Our other resources include legal and technical assistance in individual cases, our continuing series of policy briefs, publications highlighting child welfare issues, and other relevant resources geared toward the child welfare community.
Important Note: The mission of Nebraska Appleseed is to address policies and systemic issues facing Nebraskans. Therefore, the Foster Care Reform Legal Resource Center is only able to provide assistance on cases that involve systemic issues in the child welfare system that are within our expertise and resources to address. For example, we are unfortunately unable to help with everyday issues and basic procedural questions. Whereas, we may be able to provide research and information related to the rights of non-English speaking families in the child welfare system.

The Foster Care Reform Legal Resource Center provides legal and technical assistance to attorneys practicing in Nebraska’s juvenile courts, including research assistance, resource referrals, and amicus brief support. Note though, that because the mission of Nebraska Appleseed is to address policies and systemic issues facing Nebraskans, we are only able to provide assistance on cases that involve systemic issues in the child welfare system that are within our expertise and resources to address. If you are an attorney who would like to request assistance from the Foster Care Reform Legal Resource Center, please reach out to Allison Derr at
The Foster Care Reform Legal Resource Center Listserv provides a forum for information and dialogue among attorneys to influence legal precedent in the juvenile courts in a positive way. Listserv members also receive a regular electronic newsletter, the “Foster Care Reform Update,” which includes child welfare case law summaries, legislative developments, and a “policy spotlight” on an issue affecting Nebraska juvenile court practice. We also encourage list members to use the list to communicate with one another about issues and challenges that arise in their juvenile court practices.
Note: Due to the confidential nature of legal discussions, the listserv is restricted to guardians ad litem and counsel representing biological or foster parents only.
Subscribe to the Foster Care Reform Legal Resource Center Listserv.
- Do not use any client identifying information on the list. Doing so is a breach of your duty of confidentiality to your client.
- This list is intended to provide a forum for discussion of legal strategies and other issues. Therefore, the content of emails received through the list should be treated as the confidential work product of those sending them and members agree that they will not forward or otherwise distribute the contents to others who would not meet the criteria for list membership (GALs and attorneys for biological or foster parents only). At the same time, be aware that it is always possible that someone may violate this rule and that emails could be forwarded to county attorneys or others. As such, you are advised to use caution when discussing issues in individual cases. Also, please be mindful that attorneys for other parties in your case may also be on the listserv.
- Please be respectful. No personal attacks or discussion of individual attorneys, judges, court personnel, etc.
- Do not post commercial messages or “spam”.
- Do not post any defamatory, profane, or illegal materials on the list.
- Do not post any information or other material protected by copyright without the permission of the copyright owner. By posting material, the posting party represents that he or she owns the copyright with respect to such material or has received permission from the copyright owner. In addition, the posting party grants Nebraska Appleseed and other list users the right to reproduce postings to this listserv.
Nebraska Appleseed is not responsible for opinions and information posted on this list by persons or entities other than Nebraska Appleseed and does not guarantee the accuracy of such information. Nebraska Appleseed disclaims all warranties with regard to information posted on this site, whether posted by Nebraska Appleseed or any third party. In no event shall Nebraska Appleseed be liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages or any damages whatsoever arising out of or in connection with the use of any information posted.
Nebraska Appleseed reserves the right to deny participation to any individual or to terminate access to any user who does not abide by these guidelines.
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