
Legislative Update – March 20, 2017

This is the final week for committee hearings, and it includes hearings on two important Legislative Resolutions that impact immigrant Nebraskans. See below on how to take action today!


Nebraskans support our immigrant and refugee neighbors

Today, we’re asking you to take action in support of two Legislative Resolutions that will have hearings this week in front of the Judiciary Committee.

LR26 (Sen. Tony Vargas) – A resolution in support of DREAMers – young immigrant Nebraskans who grew up in our state, attended local schools, and seek to continue their careers in the state they call home. The resolution calls for the Legislature to recognize the value these hardworking young Nebraskans bring to our communities and oppose any effort to restrict their rights and safety. Judiciary Committee, March 22, 1:30 p.m.

LR 27 (Sen. Kate Bolz) – A resolution proclaiming the Legislature believes in protecting refugees

regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, age, or sex and appreciate their long-standing contributions to Nebraska. Judiciary Committee, March 23, 1:30 p.m.

Appleseed supports both of these resolutions. We urge you to call the members of the Judiciary Committee and urge them to advance both of them to the floor of the Legislature.

Sen. Laura Ebke, Chair   (402) 471-2711

Sen. Roy Baker   (402) 471-2620

Sen. Ernie Chambers   (402) 471-2612

Sen. Steve Halloran   (402) 471-2712

Sen. Matt Hansen   (402) 471-2610

Sen. Bob Krist   (402) 471-2718

Sen. Adam Morfeld   (402) 471-2720

Sen. Patty Pansing Brooks   (402) 471-2633


Other hearings this week

LB 397 (Sen. Justin Wayne) – This bill would require the rules of evidence to be applied in juvenile court during termination of parental rights proceedings. We support this bill. Judiciary Committee, March 23, 1:30 p.m.


Testifying on DHHS Budget Hearings

Last week, the Appropriations Committee held hearings on two important parts of the budget for the Department of Health and Human Services. March 13 was the hearing for the Medicaid Division, followed by the budget hearing for the Children and Family Services Division on Mar. 14.

Appleseed joined many other advocates and state leaders who testified to urge responsible funding that allows the state to provide important services that lead to healthier communities and strong families.


Legislature adopts permanent rules

On Friday, a debate that captured much of the Legislature’s attention for the first half of the session was ended when State Senators voted 38-2 to adopt permanent rules for the remainder of the session.

The rules adopted for this session are unchanged from last session, preserving traditional procedures for committee hearings, filibusters, floor debate, and more.


Stay up to date on Appleseed’s issues

You can keep up with all the exciting happenings at the Legislature by following Appleseed online. Like our Facebook page and follow issues and legislative hearings in real-time on Appleseed’s Twitter feed.

Stop by our Appleseed Blog for opinion pieces, informative updates, and news stories, and visit our Vimeo page for videos of what we’re working on throughout 2017.

We will keep you updated on the latest bill introductions, hearings, and floor debate. And, we’ll let you know how you can take action to get involved and make your voice heard throughout the session!

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