Legislative Update

Nebraska Food Access Bill Overview 2025

Hunger is a policy decision, and we need to make sure policymakers know their votes either add to or take away hunger in our communities.

This year, the Nebraska Legislature will be taking up over 700 bills that will impact the lives of Nebraskans. We wanted to share the food access bills that Nebraska Appleseed is prioritizing so that you can be better prepared to reach out to your elected officials when they need it!

  • LB192, introduced by Senator Dan Quick, preserves access to food for thousands of Nebraska families by maintaining the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)’s income eligibility level, which will decrease in September unless the legislature acts now.
  • LB319, introduced by Senator Victor Rountree, helps Nebraskans get the food they need by eliminating the lifetime ban on Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits for people with certain drug felony convictions.
  • LB46, introduced by Senator Terrell McKinney, would help elderly, disabled, and homeless Nebraskans access food by having our state enact a Restaurant Meals Program through SNAP.
  • LB656, introduced by Senator Bob Andersen, would make SNAP food benefits less accessible to thousands of Nebraskans. This bill would add harsh work requirements, cut people off from benefits, and increase hunger across our state.
  • LB14 – Hunger-Free Schools Act, introduced by Senator Machaela Cavanaugh, offers free school meals for all students in Nebraska, making sure kids get the food they need to learn and thrive.
  • LB375 – The Grocer Reinvestment Option Act (GRO Act), introduced by Senator Teresa Ibach, would help more Nebraskans access food at local grocery stores by creating a grant program to support long-term business sustainability.

Commit now to contacting your state senator’s office at least once during this session on a bill that you care about. Hearings have already started and floor debate is just around the corner.

If you have questions, please reach out to Eric at esavaiano@neappleseed.org.

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