Guest Post by Jathesn Xretqalin
Jathesn Xretqalin is an intern at Appleseed who is passionate about promoting health and wellness in the community. She is currently a Pre-Health and Pre-Law college student at the University of Lincoln- Nebraska studying Advertising and Public Relations.
Welcome to our Celebration!
We’re thrilled to launch this year’s Nebraska School Nutrition Heroes event! This year, we will be shining a spotlight on the incredible individuals who ensure that our children have access to nutritious meals every day at school. These unsung heroes play a vital role in shaping the health and well-being of our students.

Do you know someone who goes above and beyond in their role as a school nutrition staff member? Celebrate this school nutrition hero by leaving their name and a brief comment about why they’re exceptional using this link. From now until March 20, let’s come together to honor the outstanding contributions of our local school nutrition staff. Whether you’re parents, caregivers, teachers, administrators, students or anyone else in the community, we encourage everyone to share words of gratitude and appreciation for these dedicated individuals.
Individuals and staff who receive community comments will receive a special gift around School Lunch Heroes Day on May 3rd. Additionally, these submissions will be showcased on the Nebraska SNAC webpage and the NDE Nutrition Services Facebook page throughout April and May.
We’ve provided an outreach toolkit with template social media posts, an email, and newsletter blurb to support your sharing the comment opportunity with folks in your network. We would love your help getting more comments for more nutrition staff!
We appreciate your support in celebrating the outstanding work of our school nutrition professionals! Last year we got 100 comments, can we get more?