Gloria! As your retirement now officially nears, we continue to celebrate you! You have planted so many powerful seeds of leadership and justice across Nebraska these past 18 years!
Thousands and thousands of Nebraskans have found their leadership, taken action, and made a difference in their communities thanks to your encouragement. (How many people reading this now can hear Gloria’s voice?…“You can do it!”)

Your passion for community participation, education, and systemic change moves mountains. Together with a beautiful network of leaders working together in community, your energy has sparked so many concrete changes that support strong communities and families. And you have helped to build not only Nebraska Appleseed but so many local organizations that will continue supporting this long-term work.
There is no way to sum up in words the incredible layers of transformational change you have inspired – in our state and federal policies, in connected communities, in collaborative leadership, in moments of joyful action.
We will continue to practice your organizing principles that build trust and celebrate everyone’s skills and contributions (“It takes 5 fingers to make a hand!”). We send you off with as much enormous love as you have brought to Nebraska communities. And we will continue to take pictures.
Speaking of pictures, let’s enjoy a few of those memories! Check out the photo gallery below and our Facebook album!