Welcoming Week events across Nebraska: September 8-17!

Get ready for Welcoming Week 2023:
September 8-17 and Beyond!

Welcoming Week is here! Join community members across Nebraska and the world in celebrating the values that unite us as neighbors, parents, and colleagues to make our communities more welcoming to all! 

We invite you to participate by finding an event near you to celebrate diversity, community and all the different people who call Nebraska home!

Find local events NEAR YOU! Nebraskans are hosting festivals, parades, learning events, cultural performances with music and dance, sharing food and stories of belonging, and more! 

Join the virtual launch of Welcoming Week in Nebraska at the statewide convening Fostering Inclusion & Belonging via Zoom. We will focus on positive practices and tips for storytelling and how to use storytelling locally to promote belonging!

Join a virtual event or include a Welcoming Week event if you are traveling this week. 

Print a Welcomer sign for your office, business or to post on social media! 

Engage on social media! Share your photos and experiences with welcoming on social media using the hashtag #WelcomingWeek2023 Follow Nebraska Is Home and Welcoming America on Facebook or @WelcomingUSA and @NebraskaIsHome on Instagram and Twitter.

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