Legislative Update

At the Capitol: Justice and Opportunity for ALL Nebraskans

Last week was full of long days, late nights, and much-needed coffee while fighting for justice and opportunity for all Nebraskans.

Last week’s highlights

On Monday, we kicked off a week full of hearings in front of the Business and Labor Committee, testifying on how LB57 (Sen. Machaela Cavanaugh) would benefit workers and reduce business costs by adopting the Paid Family and Medical Leave Insurance Act. We also spoke to the committee about how LB15 (Sen. Tom Briese)’s subminimum wage for youth and trainees undermines the will of Nebraska voters and disregards the fact that many young people are working to support their families or save for their education.

On Wednesday, we saw Nebraskans from across the state show up to the Health and Human Services Committee hearing in opposition to LB626 (Sen. Joni Albrecht), which would ban abortions at six weeks of pregnancy. We also testified in front of the Government, Military and Veterans Affairs Committee about the many ways that LB535 (Sen. Julie Slama) – and voter ID requirements in general – create impediments to voting for communities of color, the elderly, rural voters, student voters, and voters with low incomes who may need to move more frequently.

Finally, on Thursday, we submitted a comment to the Health and Human Services Committee about how LB419 (Sen. Anna Wishart) would improve health outcomes for new parents and newborns by extending Medicaid postpartum coverage from 60 days to 12 months.

This week’s hearings


LB294 (Senator Danielle Conrad) – adopts the Child Tax Credit Act (SUPPORT)
When families can take care of their basic needs, our communities are stronger. Tomorrow afternoon, we’ll testify in front of the Revenue Committee about how this bill would support families by providing them with a tax credit of up to $1,000 for each child under age 18 in Nebraska. Submit an online comment here.

LB295 (Senator Danielle Conrad) – increases the earned income tax credit (SUPPORT)
Helping families make ends meet only makes Nebraska a better place to live. Tomorrow afternoon, we’ll testify in front of the Revenue Committee about how the earned income tax credit is a powerful tool to prevent poverty. Submit an online comment here.

LB574 (Senator Kathleen Kauth) – bans gender-affirming care for youth (OPPOSE)
Nebraskans shouldn’t have to leave the state to access the health care they need. Gender affirming care is health care. Tomorrow, we’ll join our partners to show our opposition to this bill, which would directly restrict Nebraskans’ access to health care services and have negative impacts on Nebraskans and their health. Submit an online comment here.


LB326 (Senator Jane Raybould) – provides for continuous eligibility for children under Medicaid (SUPPORT)
All kids should have access to health care. On Thursday, we’ll testify in front of the Health and Human Services Committee about how continuous health care coverage for Nebraska kids promotes children’s health while decreasing health care system costs, unnecessary coverage losses, and administrative costs. Submit an online comment here.

Stay up to date on Appleseed’s issues

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We’ll let you know how you can take action to get involved and make your voice heard throughout the session!

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P.S. In case you missed it: Click here to see the legislative priorities that Appleseed is supporting during the 2023 session.

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