Good Apple Awards: “This place could use more Storytellers” by Dawaune Lamont Hayes

Throughout October, Nebraska Appleseed is celebrating the outstanding contributions of individuals and organizations standing up for justice and opportunity for all as part of the 2020 Good Apple Awards.

This week, we’re excited to spotlight NOISE (North Omaha Information Support Everyone), a community-led news organization keeping neighbors informed and engaged with storytelling as vibrant as the area itself.

We’re honored to share this guest blog post from the Founder/Director of NOISE Dawaune Lamont Hayes.


NOISE is the sound of people gathering in the streets professing their right to Free Speech and a Just World. 

NOISE comes from a community with a long history of being courageous, resilient, and vocal.

NOISE will be a symbol of what collective intention to serve people vital information looks like.

When we started in 2018, we were a team of two trying to figure out what we were even supposed to do, but through long nights, dedication to the cause, and a supportive community we have been able to become a beacon of hope for the future of journalism.

It is not news that journalism and the people who make it are being threatened by the hands of corporate takeovers and public figures who disparage our craft. What gives us strength are the new storytellers and media makers who see this work as essential for the future of humanity. We take our mission seriously and we are honored to have the support of individuals and organizations across the country who wish to see us thrive.

Moving forward, like the rest of the World, we are undergoing stages of major transformation and change. This metamorphosis will allow us to shed old skin and evolve into a new form that better serves our community and ourselves.

In the meantime, pay attention to the stories we tell and leave us feedback. The only way we get better is through people like you telling us what matters. And while you’re at it, try writing a story of your own. This place could use more Storytellers.

To learn more about NOISE, you can visit their website here. You can also connect with them on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram

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