Take Action: Tell your Senators more relief is needed

SNAPLast week, Congress took an important step to ensure families have the food they need as hardships from the COVID-19 pandemic continue. Food insecurity has dramatically risen in Nebraska since March with an estimated additional 17% of Nebraskans without the nutritious food they need to live a healthy and active lifestyle.

The U.S. House & Senate have passed legislation that, along with ensuring the government remains funded until December, also provides nearly $8 billion for food and nutrition assistance programs. This short-term funding bill also:

  • Extends the option for states to continue COVID-19 related flexibilities for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
  • Extends Pandemic-EBT into 2021 to allow states to continue providing resources to families whose kids participate in the free and reduced-price lunch program while schools are closed or implement hybrid online/in person models

While we commend Congress for taking this step to increase food security, more robust COVID-19 support is needed including increasing SNAP benefits by 15% to help families keep food on the table.

Here is how you can take action now:

Call your members of Congress today and ask for their support for a strong and inclusive COVID-19 relief package.

Sen. Deb Fischer
Sen. Ben Sasse


Rep. Jeff Fortenberry
Rep. Don Bacon
Rep. Adrian Smith


Find your representativeUrge Governor Ricketts to implement nationwide flexibilities by signing the SNAP Petition and calling his office directly: (402) 471-2244While congress has made sure states have the option to continue programs, Governor Ricketts must choose to implement them. For August and September, the Governor chose to deny Nebraska supplemental food benefits to low paid Nebraskans and made us the ONLY state to do so.

Sign the petitionThank you for standing with Nebraskans who, after many months, are still fighting to make ends meet.For more details on Appleseed’s priorities for this package, including support for foster youth, increased Medicaid funding, rental assistance and more, check out our blog.

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