***For Immediate Release***
Thursday, September 10, 2020
Contact: Magdalena Cazarez
Communications Director
Cell: (402) 504-0074
Nebraska Appleseed Responds to Governor’s Statement on SNAP Max Allotments
For many Nebraskans, the economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic continues
LINCOLN, NE – As of September 10, 2020, Nebraska remains to be the only state not to extend SNAP emergency allotments to individuals and families who have felt the harsh economic impacts of COVID-19. Nebraska Governor Ricketts recently stated his justification for refusing to extend benefits, stating: “We want to get people used to the idea of ‘Hey we’re going back to a more normal life.’”
In response, Nebraska Appleseed’s Economic Justice Program Manager Eric Savaiano, issued the following statement:
“While Nebraskans look forward to recovery after painful months enduring the COVID-19 pandemic, “normal” is still far off. Food insecurity has dramatically risen in Nebraska, with an estimated additional 17% of Nebraskans experiencing food insecurity during the pandemic, and the statistics play out in heartbreaking conversations we have had with families. The SNAP program is an essential tool to address this.
Additionally, our local food pantries are still serving record numbers of people, grocery store prices have risen and remain high, and children across the state are dealing with irregular access to school meals.
This aid is available while the federal state of emergency continues and costs the state nothing. Nebraska should do what every other state has done for their residents. It is time for Governor Ricketts to acknowledge that times are not normal for most Nebraskans, and to make the right choice by accepting SNAP emergency benefits that are life-saving for those hit hardest by the pandemic.”
Go fund SNAP!!!
The Pandemic is far from over, so why end the extra benefits allotted to help with it? Ricketts never had to go hungry, so why should he care if anyone else does? Prices are higher now, so our food stamps do not go nearly as far as they did eight months ago!
Gov Pete Rickets do you know what it feels like hearing your 8 year old & 15year old saying, “I’m hungry”? Limiting 1 cup of cereal w/ little milk in morning, small lunch-5 pizza rolls & 8chips w/ water then nothing until dinner? No snacks, no in between because there is nothing in fridge? I work 30hrs/week, no more due to Covid, but that’s too much for approval for SNAP.
It hurts and I feel sad seeing them hungry, hearing them tell me and there is nothing I can do about it.