President continues harmful shutdown

Offers meager protections in exchange for unproductive, harmful wall the public does not support

Today, during the Dr. Martin Luther King Day holiday weekend, President Trump is offering meager protections that would keep hardworking youth and families in a continued state of uncertainty and second-class status in exchange for unproductive and wasteful border wall funding.

Darcy Tromanhauser, Nebraska Appleseed Immigrants & Communities Program Director, issued the following statement in response:

“After choosing to abruptly end two successful immigration programs – DACA and TPS – with potentially devastating consequences for families and communities, President Trump is proposing half-measures to temporarily extend these programs as leverage for a wall the public does not support. A wall is an unproductive use of taxpayer dollars that does not serve the nation’s security. It is time to end the longest government shutdown in history that is causing harm to so many people across the country.”

“The focus on funding for a border wall continues to be an expensive and dangerous distraction from the serious conversation lawmakers should be having about positive immigration policies that support united communities, strong families, and true security.”

Darcy Tromanhauser
Immigrants & Communities Program Director, Nebraska Appleseed
Office: (402) 438-8853, Ext. 112

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