Nebraskans in the Coverage Gap: “Not having health insurance turns your life into a vicious cycle”

Marea is one of 90,000 Nebraskans who could get health coverage if we expand Medicaid.

Marea Bishop vowed not to let her health problems define her. But that didn’t mean the single mother from Bellevue was immune from the harsh effects of being unable to afford health coverage.

Marea told her story in an Omaha World-Herald piece, laying out how chronic health problems chipped away at her ability to work and eventually forced her to close her photography business.

Her savings has dwindled as she struggles to pay for medications and treatments.

“Not having health insurance turns your life into a vicious cycle. If you can’t afford medications and treatment, you can’t get healthy. Most uninsured people, if they could afford care, could get better, get back to work and live the healthy life that every Nebraskan wants.”

Nebraskans like Marea are why we’ve fought for years to expand Medicaid for hard-working people like Marea who aren’t paid enough to afford private coverage, but who could improve their lives substantially if they could afford the health care that everyone needs.

We’re proud Marea is an advocate with the Insure The Good Life campaign to gather enough petition signatures by July 5 to allow Nebraska voters the choice of expanding Medicaid at this November’s election.

Take Action!

We want your help. Sign up to join Insure The Good Life and you can sign a petition, volunteer, or otherwise support the fight for Nebraskans to be able to vote for a healthier future this fall.

Together, we can help 90,000 hard-working Nebraskans like Marea – our neighbors, family and friends – have their best chance at a healthy life.

1 thought on “Nebraskans in the Coverage Gap: “Not having health insurance turns your life into a vicious cycle””

  1. Kristi Martin

    I would love to tell my story of living with chronic medical conditions, receiving Social Security, and still “too rich” to receive Medicaid. I also want to advocate for the chronic pain community in Nebraska to not be stigmatized for receiving opioids. Government is leaving the chronic pain community in the dust. They didn’t think of our community before creating these harsh penalties on their “war on opioids”. Watch for the suicide percentages to increase in the chronic pain community!

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