Update after federal court ruling on DACA renewals

Late Tuesday a federal judge in California temporarily blocked President Trump’s efforts to end DACA renewals. However, nothing has been solved yet, and it’s important to understand we still need the DREAM Act.  So keep calling Congress!

The ruling instructs the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS) to resume receiving DACA renewal applications, however it does not allow for new DACA applications to be processed.

USCIS has not yet said how or when the renewal process would begin again.

Beware of any scams that say they can help you begin your DACA application. There is no process yet.  Again, this ruling is in no way a substitute for the Dream Act. The time is now to take action by contacting your members of Congress.  

Our recommendation is for people to not submit a DACA renewal application until USCIS announces a process. This recommendation is subject to change as we learn more. We will keep you updated. In the meantime, call Congress at 210-852-2542 and demand a clean Dream Act now!

En español

El martes por la noche, un juez federal en California bloqueó temporalmente los esfuerzos del presidente Trump para finalizar las renovaciones de DACA. Todavía necesitamos DREAM Act – Keep Calling Congress! El fallo ordena a la administración que reanude la recepción de las solicitudes de renovación de DACA, sin embargo, no permite el procesamiento de nuevas aplicaciones de DACA.

Tenga cuidado con las estafas que dicen que pueden ayudarlo a comenzar su aplicación DACA. No hay un proceso todavía. De nuevo, esta decisión no sustituye de ninguna manera la Ley de los sueños (Dream Act). Ahora es el momento de actuar contactando a sus miembros del Congreso.

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