Sad news today. LB 1110, Senator Campbell’s bill to restore prenatal care coverage, was “bracketed” today by unanimous consent. This means that, while the bill is technically still alive, it won’t come up on the floor this session and is essentially dead. Unfortunately, politics prevailed over good policy and there weren’t enough votes to pass the bill.
Here is the statement we released this afternoon:
Rebecca L. Gould, Executive Director of the Nebraska Appleseed Center for Law in the Public Interest issued the following statement in response to the motion to bracket LB 1110 today:
“We are extremely disappointed that prenatal care for all low-income women will not be restored by the Legislature this session. It is shameful that politics were prioritized over the lives of low-income women and babies and derailed this long-standing policy.
We commend Senator Kathy Campbell for introducing LB 1110 and are grateful for all her hard work to ensure that all babies in Nebraska have a chance at a healthy start in life.
LB 1110 was good public policy. It would have saved taxpayer dollars while protecting the health of unborn babies and mothers. We are deeply concerned about the future health of these unborn children and the families that face the terrifying prospect of going through their pregnancy with no medical attention.
We also thank Speaker Flood, the co-sponsors of the bill, and the many senators who recognized that providing prenatal care is not only the right thing to do for the health of these unborn children, but that it is the right thing to do for Nebraska taxpayers.
This issue obviously does not end with this legislative action. Indeed, the policy can be restored at any time administratively. Appleseed remains committed to restoring prenatal care for all-low income women. We look forward to the restoration of this common sense and fiscally responsible policy that has long reflected Nebraska values.â€
Please consider calling or writing the Governor to tell him he should not have opposed LB 1110 and ask that he restore prenatal care to all low-income women. Contact: Email the Governor or Call the Governor: 471-2244
Many senators mentioned (to us and in the press) that they had received many calls and emails in support of the bill.  That was extremely important given the calls and emails that were being pushed by anti-immigrant groups and other opponents. Thank you for all your advocacy on this.
Please also consider contacting Senator Campbell, the sponsor of the bill, to thank her for all her efforts on this issue.  Contact: Senator Kathy Campbell, 471-2731.