Nebraska’s First Certified Welcoming City Announced! + Upcoming Events

Nebraska communities across the state are committed to strengthening local economies, building vibrant communities of neighbors, and fostering meaningful connections across differences by creating inclusive practices. One community has been recognized by Welcoming America for their commitment. 

Congratulations to Crete, Nebraska who is officially the first city in the state to be recognized as a Certified Welcoming City from Welcoming America! Strong communities like Crete, are those that intentionally connect and include people of all backgrounds. Certified Welcoming is a formal designation for cities and counties that have created programs and policies reflecting their values and commitment to immigrant inclusion.  

Among the cities and counties that have earned Welcoming Certification—including Tulsa, Louisville, Salt Lake City, Dayton, Dallas, and Pittsburgh—Crete stands out as a uniquely rural community, with a population roughly 130,000 smaller than the next largest certified town. Yet Crete has long been a leader in innovation in efforts to include and welcome immigrant community members in all areas of civic, social, and economic life and foster meaningful connections across differences. 

We joined our neighbors in Crete for their Welcoming City Celebration on February 28th. Our team had a great time connecting with community members and longtime colleagues while celebrating this momentous occasion! Check out some of the images below to get a glimpse of the celebration.

We’re excited to announce To The State Of The Good Life, a Nebraska film has been accepted into the Omaha Film Festival. The short film explores the American Dream through the eyes of Raúl Arcos Hawkins, a Grand Island community leader and DACA community member. This narrative weaves Raúl’s personal aspirations with the collective anxiety of Dreamers across the country, capturing their hope for a legislative solution that would at last create a way to apply for permanent residency. You can see it with other Nebraska short films at the festival at Aksarben Cinema in Omaha on Thursday, March 13 at 8:40 pm. 

Join Nebraskans and Welcomers from around the world at the Welcoming Interactive in Detroit, May 20-22. The Welcoming Interactive is a biennial conference that highlights successful local practices and inspiring stories about immigrant inclusion, programs, policies, and partnerships on economic development, civic engagement, government leadership, and more. Come away with energy and new ideas!  

This year, Nebraskans from Columbus, Grand Island, and Lincoln will be facilitating three different sessions to share many of the great local efforts to build strong, vibrant communities of belonging in Nebraska. 

Thank you for your continued work to help make Nebraska a place of belonging for all!

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