15,000+ signatures turned in to ban source of income discrimination in Lincoln!

Today, Nebraska Appleseed gathered with our fellow Lincoln housing advocates to turn in more than 15,000 signatures from across the city in support of the Lincoln for Fair Housing ballot initiative!

Thanks to the hard work of advocates and volunteers across our city, we’re confident that we’ve submitted more than enough signatures to qualify for the May 2025 municipal election ballot so that Lincolnites can vote to ban source of income discrimination in our city.

Once the signatures are certified, the measure would go to the City Council, where they have the opportunity to pass it into law directly. Given the broad support for these important protections, the Council should do so. If they decide not to, the measure would be placed on the ballot.

We can’t thank you enough for the ways you’ve shown up to support this initiative. You’ve joined us for events, connected with your neighbors, and collected signatures from your family and friends.

Thank you for helping build a Lincoln where no one is turned away from housing based on how they will pay their rent. Together, we can end source of income discrimination in Lincoln and ensure Lincolnites can access the affordable housing they need!

Want to help support the campaign? Contribute online to Lincoln for Fair Housing today.

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