Call to action

TELL CONGRESS: Nebraska families need positive immigration laws, not harsh enforcement

As Congress begins a new year, if you didn’t have a chance to share a message before the holidays (or even if you did!), take another moment to let Nebraska’s members of Congress hear communities’ strong support for the positive immigration policies that would support stability for longtime community members living in limbo, thriving schools and main streets, systems and services that are functional for all, and a thriving future for all of us.

Read about the broad, statewide Nebraska support across health care, agriculture, education, aging care, business, labor, faith and community, and children and family perspectives for positive, updated immigration laws that would actually serve our communities’ best interests.

There are solutions. Unfortunately, despite Nebraskans’ support for solutions, Congress has not meaningfully updated our immigration laws in nearly 40 years. Take a moment as well to share your support of refugee community members and Nebraska’s proud history of refugee resettlement. One of the early actions of the first Trump Administration was to slash refugee resettlement numbers, which also creates harm to Nebraska communities. (The President determines refugee resettlement numbers, but it’s important our Members of Congress know and communicate Nebraska’s clear support.) 

Take a moment now to add your voice! 

Make sure Nebraska’s members of Congress hear strong Nebraska support for positive immigration laws and continued refugee resettlement as they plan for 2025. Call both of Nebraska’s U.S. Senators & your Representative today and tell them we need them to create stability for longtime immigrant community members who have been part of local communities for many years – which in turn creates stability for all of us. 

Senator Pete Ricketts: 202-224-4224 
Senator Deb Fischer: 202-224-6551 

Find your Representative here 
Congressman Mike Flood: 202-225-4806  
Congressman Don Bacon: 202-225-4155
Congressman Adrian Smith: 202-225-6435 

Sample Message:
Hello, my name is [your name]. I live in [town/city]. I’m calling to urge my member of Congress to create stability for Nebraska families and communities by fixing long outdated immigration laws. It has been nearly 40 years since Congress updated our immigration laws in a meaningful way, and I know how much support there is in Nebraska for positive policies that create a process for residency and citizenship for longtime community members. Continued refugee resettlement also contributes enormously to Nebraska and I urge you to ensure it continues. I hear you talk about the border, but not about the policies that would support local families and communities. This is important to me because [share a reason that is important to you].

Thank you for taking action for strong and stable local communities! 

Read more about Nebraska’s broad and growing support for positive immigration solutions and the local community and workforce impact of outdated immigration laws

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