In 1996, Nebraska Appleseed’s founder Milo Mumgaard developed a vision for a public interest law firm that could take on the toughest issues facing low-income and marginalized Nebraskans. He started small with a one person operation run out of his basement and through hard work, dedication and skill, grew the organization to twelve staff in eleven years. Part of the strategy from the beginning was to attract young future leaders of the state to this kind of work, through internships, engagement and support for those who were stepping out on a limb to try and engage in work that would make a meaningful difference to address poverty and inequality. The D. Milo Mumgaard Young Leader Award was created to recognize young Nebraskans who, like Milo, have a vision for the best of what our state can be, and through initiative, hard work, and dedication are pushing to make that vision a reality.
The inaugural recipient of the D. Milo Mumgaard Young Leader Award is Adam Morfeld. Adam is the Executive Director of Nebraskans for Civic Reform, an organization founded by a group of college and law students concerned about civic engagement and ensuring all Nebraskans have easy access to the ability to vote. For five years this group of students, led by Adam, worked aggressively to introduce legislation, testify at hearings, and educate state legislators and Nebraska election officials about tangible improvements that could ensure no one in Nebraska is disenfranchised on election day. The current focus of Adam’s work to create a stable future for Nebraskans for Civic Reform by establishing it as a non-profit organization and garnering financial support for paid staff.
What is most impressive about Adam is that he has done all this work on a purely volunteer basis driven solely by a passion and desire to see all Nebraskans engaged in our democracy. This is the kind of passion that led Milo to create and expand Nebraska Appleseed and is why Adam Morfeld is the inaugural recipient of the D. Milo Mumgaard Young Leader Award.
Join us in recognizing Adam at the Good Apple Awards reception on Thursday, September 22 in Omaha and celebrating Appleseed’s 15th anniversary.
Tickets are available online for $75 each. 100% of your ticket purchase directly supports Nebraska Appleseed’s efforts to advance equal justice and full opportunity for all.