TAKE ACTION: Process for citizenship now

Building Back Better must include stability for Nebraska’s community members!

Join us this week in taking action to make sure citizenship is included in the Build Back Better package! Congress will vote in the next couple of weeks, and we cannot Build Back Better without stability and a way for longtime community members to apply for residency and citizenship.

Full inclusion will require the support and leadership of the President and Vice President. During this national week of action we ask you to contact the White House and urge their support for full inclusion in the Build Back Better (BBB) package. Every voice counts! See a sample message below.

Contact the White House today and urge them to support full inclusion by including a process for citizenship in the BBB package. 

Click Here to Email the President & Vice President


Call the White House Comment Line
Tuesdays or Thursdays 10am-2pm CT/ 9am-1pm MT

Contact the President

The BBB package passed by the House includes some immigration provisions. But the current version does NOT yet include a process for citizenship, but rather a “parole” program, which includes only temporary work authorization and protections from deportation for some community members. The Senate continues to revise the bill and it is critical for a process for citizenship to be included.

It has been more than 35 years since Congress has taken action for positive immigration laws. Take a moment to help make sure family, longtime community members, and whole Nebraska communities have stability through a process for citizenship!

Thank you for your continued advocacy, 

Ruby Mendez López

Ruby Méndez López
Community Organizer, Immigrants & Communities Program
Nebraska Appleseed

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