Concert for Equality

Concert For Equality from Producciones Cimarrón on Vimeo.

On Saturday July 31st, 2010 in Omaha, NE, several bands including Bright Eyes, Cursive, Desaparecidos (their first live performance since 2002), and Lullaby For The Working Class gathered together to fight for equality by playing a benefit show for the ACLU Nebraska.

All proceeds from the concerts went to the ACLU Nebraska who prepared a law suit against the town of Fremont, Nebraska, the latest in a series of U.S. towns that have decided to take immigration law into their own hands. ACLU Nebraska filed a lawsuit challenging the law which attempts to ban undocumented immigrants from renting, residing or being employed in the Nebraska town.

ACLU Nebraska Executive Director Laurel Marsh says, “If this law goes into effect, it will cause discrimination and racial profiling against Latinos and others who appear to be foreign born, including U.S. citizens. The ACLU Nebraska has no option but to turn to the courts to stop this un-American and unconstitutional ordinance before the law goes into effect. Not only do local ordinances such as this violate federal law, they are also completely out of step with American values of fairness and equality. We will be working with concerned citizens in Fremont who want to stop Arizona-like laws from getting on the books in their city.

Through these efforts, the community groups and The ACLU were able to stop the implementing of this law. Watch this film produced by The Sound Strike, documenting this historic event that challenged the climate of hate created by groups like FAIR (Federation of Americans for Immigration Reform), a group known for its ties to white supremacist groups and idealogies.

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