25 Days of Action

Thank you for your support during 25 Days of Action!

25 Days of ActionEarlier this month, we kicked off a 25 Days of Action campaign to celebrate our 25th anniversary, with a daily action item for our supporters and partners to participate in. We are grateful for how many of you joined us and invited friends in taking action to get involved at the local, state, and federal levels on economic justice, children’s welfare, immigrant rights, and health care access.

Whether it was contacting your state senator or federal representative on a piece of legislation, sharing your story and support for positive federal immigration laws, attending events or forums, taking time to read more about an issue related to our work, or learning more about and supporting local BIPOC-led organizations, your actions helped to build a just, vibrant, and inclusive Nebraska where everyone can thrive.

You can continue to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram to stay updated and learn how to take further action as we continue to fight for justice and opportunity for all Nebraskans!

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