Last week saw committee hearings on bill to improve health coverage and create better opportunities for youth in foster care. It also was the deadline for State Senators to designate their priority bills – which ensures the bills will be given floor debate if advanced out of committee.
Health coverage for hard-working Nebraskans
On March 8, Appleseed joined dozens of supporters who urged the Health and Human Services Committee to advance LB 441 (Sen. Adam Morfeld). This bill would allow nearly 100,000 uninsured Nebraskans with low incomes to get covered through Medicaid.
Appleseed strongly supports this bill because every Nebraskan needs access to quality health care, and LB 441 makes sure that care is delivered in the most efficient and cost-effective way.
If your State Senator is on the HHS Committee (below), call and tell them you support LB 441!
Sen. Merv Riepe (402) 471-2623
Sen. Sue Crawford (402) 471-2615
Sen. Steve Erdman (402) 471-2616
Sen. Sara Howard (402) 471-2723
Sen. Mark Kolterman (402) 471-2756
Sen. Lou Ann Linehan (402) 471-2885
Sen. Matt Williams (402) 471-2642
The Keys to Success for youth in Foster Care
On Mar. 9, we testified in support of LB 226 (Sen. Anna Wishart) because this bill would remove barriers for youth in foster care to get a driver’s license just like their peers.
Having the chance to drive is an important experience as youth grow into adults, and having the chance to have normal experiences like this puts youth in foster care on the same, equal footing as every other young person their age.
Predatory Lending Reform bill stays in committee
We are so encouraged and energized by your outpouring of support to State Senators for payday lending reform bill LB 194. However, the bill has not yet been advanced out of the Banking, Commerce, and Insurance Committee despite all the support it received at its Feb. 21 hearing. The bill also did not receive a priority designation, making it unlikely to be debated this session even if it was advanced.
Thank you to State Sen. Tony Vargas for bringing this bill and continuing to be a voice for protecting hard-working Nebraskans.
An amazing network of partners – including Nebraskans who have experienced the debt trap of predatory lending – is committed to keep fighting this issue. We will continue to work with lawmakers to bring real reform to predatory lending so all Nebraskans can be served with fair credit terms.
DHHS Budget Hearings This Week
On Monday and Tuesday afternoons, the Appropriations Committee will hold hearings on two important parts of the budget for the Department of Health and Human Services.
Monday is the hearing for the Medicaid Division, followed by the budget hearing for the Children and Family Services Division on Tuesday.
We will be testifying to urge responsible funding that allows the state to provide important services that lead to healthier communities and strong families.
Stay up to date on Appleseed’s issues
You can keep up with all the exciting happenings at the Legislature by following Appleseed online. Like our Facebook page and follow issues and legislative hearings in real-time on Appleseed’s Twitter feed.
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We will keep you updated on the latest bill introductions, hearings, and floor debate. And, we’ll let you know how you can take action to get involved and make your voice heard throughout the session!
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