ACA lets young Nebraskans like Dominic pursue career goals

Note: We’ve been overwhelmed by the number of Nebraskans who wanted to tell us how the health insurance protections of the Affordable Care Act have improved their lives. This is one of those stories.

Dominic’s Story

I am a lifelong Nebraskan and have prided myself on working for local organizations that are strongly committed to the community. I worked in zoo education throughout high school and college and am now working in zoo animal care in Omaha where I strive to inspire global thinking and local action to preserve our planet for future generations.

Graduating from college was a stressful time. I put my “eggs in one basket” as I was finishing up an internship at the end of my senior year and was hoping that a job would open up for which I could apply at this organization. Knowing that I would be able to stay on my family’s insurance plan allowed me to take this risk.

I was presented with other job opportunities, but none had the inspiring mission or local focus that was so important to me. I wanted to stay at a local Nebraska organization that had strong community ties and the ability to make a large impact on the local economy. The Affordable Care Act made that possible. My community commitment and personal healthcare were not in conflict.

My work is a constant reminder of the extensive web of connections on this planet – supporting and caring for others is one of the greatest ways to insure our own success.

It’s mind-blowing that soon-to-be graduates were regularly forced to jeopardize their own personal health as they attempted to enter the workforce. I’m incredibly humbled to be one of the first generation of college graduates whose transition was free of such substantial risk.

Dominic Dongilli


Take Action!

Call the local offices of Nebraska’s U.S. Senators today and tell them any ACA replacement plan must allow every Nebraskan to have health insurance.

Sen. Deb Fischer (402) 441-4600          Sen. Ben Sasse (402) 476-1400

When you’re done, call your U.S. Representative and tell them they must not vote for the House bill that will cause premiums to skyrocket for thousands of Nebraskans. Tell them how the ACA protections have helped you or someone you know.

Click here to find your U.S. Representative

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