
STATEMENT – LB 441 would help hard-working Nebraskans get health insurance

***For Immediate Release***

March 8, 2017


Contact, Jeff Sheldon
Communications Director, Nebraska Appleseed
Office: (402) 438-8853
Mobile: (402) 840-7289


Nebraska Appleseed Statement on LB 441

Bill is overdue measure to allow hard-working Nebraskans to get the health care they need


LINCOLN — Today, the Legislature’s Health and Human Services Committee held a hearing for LB 441 (Sen. Adam Morfeld), a bill to return hundreds of millions of tax dollars to Nebraska to bolster the health care system, support jobs, and boost the state and local economies.

Nebraska Appleseed Health Care Director James Goddard issued this statement on LB 441.

“Passing LB 441 would be a huge step toward making sure every hard-working Nebraskan can afford health coverage that lets them get the medical care they need when they need it,” Goddard said. “For too long, more than 90,000 working Nebraskans have been left with no way to get health insurance. These people are our friends and neighbors, our state’s farmers and ranchers, and those that work for low wages in restaurants or retail stores that do not provide insurance.

“LB 441 would allow these hard-working Nebraskans to access the health care they should have had all along. It will better allow them to support their families and to use the health care system in the most cost-effective way. Nebraskans believe in hard work and investing our money wisely. We want a state where all Nebraskans are healthy enough to work hard, to get ahead, and to contribute to a strong economy. LB 441 would help us achieve this goal.”

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