Take Action

Take Action – House bill would cause millions to lose their health insurance

Now is the time to protect affordable health care for all Nebraskans. Will you take action today?

A bill has been introduced in the House of Representatives that removes many of the important parts of the Affordable Care Act and would bring huge cuts to Medicaid. This would strip health insurance from millions of Americans – including thousands of people in Nebraska – while dismantling important protections that benefit everyone.

Call your Congressman today! Let their office know you oppose this bill and want them to work on a bill that protects Nebraskans’ quality health insurance.


Dist. 1 – Rep. Jeff Fortenberry (402) 438-1598        Dist. 2 – Rep. Don Bacon (888) 221-7452

Dist. 3 – Rep. Adrian Smith (308) 384-3900

Not sure who your Representative is? Click here to find out


Tell your Congressman any ACA replacement plan must:

  • Not change the structure of Medicaid, which covers 230,000 Nebraskans – most of whom are children, seniors, and people with disabilities. People who need coverage the most!
  • Keep important financial assistance that helped more than 84,000 Nebraskans buy insurance in the latest enrollment period.
  • Let every Nebraskan who gained insurance through the ACA keep their coverage.

Now is the time we’ve been preparing for. Speak up to protect quality, affordable health coverage. Don’t let Congress threaten health care coverage for hundreds of thousands of Nebraskans.

Call your Congressman today! Tell them Nebraskans need the health care protections of the ACA and Medicaid. A replacement plan must let every Nebraskan be able to get life-saving health insurance.

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