“100 Days of Justice” to unite Nebraskans to work for positive change

***For Immediate Release***

January 26, 2017


Contact, Jeff Sheldon
Communications Director, Nebraska Appleseed
Office: (402) 438-8853
Mobile: (402) 840-7289
Email: jsheldon@neappleseed.org


“100 Days of Justice” to unite Nebraskans to work for positive change

Nebraskans energized to direct lawmakers toward policies that reflect Justice, Opportunity, and Humanity


A new year has brought a renewed passion among Nebraskans to work together to create positive change and engage elected officials on issues important to our communities.


300 Nebraskans attended “Light The Future” vigil in support of immigrants and refugees on January 12 in Lincoln.

To respond to this spirit of advocacy, nearly 20 Nebraska community organizations announced today the launch of “100 Days of Justice” a collective effort to help Nebraskans who are excited to be a voice on important local, state, and national policies connect with one another and make their voices heard by policymakers.


“We know organizations around the state have been contacted by Nebraskans in the last few months asking what they can do to build a state where dignity, justice, equality, and opportunity are available to everyone,” said Rachel Gehringer-Wiar, Nebraska Appleseed Field Director. “It’s wonderful to see how many people are interested in making a positive difference for their families, friends, and neighbors. The ‘100 Days of Justice’ campaign is a way for these people to learn what they can do to make a difference and encourage their friends to do the same.”


Nearly 80 Nebraskans delivered letters to Sen. Deb Fischer’s office in Omaha urging her to protect quality health coverage on January 24.

100 Days of Justice seeks to capitalize on the influential time that comes at the beginning of a new Nebraska Legislative session as well as a new Congress and Presidential administration. As newly elected officials take office, and returning officials head back to their public service duties, now is a pivotal time for their constituents to set the priorities that will let us all move into a better future together.


See a list of upcoming events at the 100 Days of Justice Facebook page


During “100 Days Of Justice,” we will connect Nebraskans with their elected leaders to let them know their decisions must reflect our shared values of Justice, Racial Equity, Humanity, Opportunity, and Healthy Communities. Nebraskans will let our leaders know that our state is a stronger, better place when everyone has a real chance to succeed.


“100 Days of Justice” launches with the participation of the following organizations:

ACLU of Nebraska

Afrikan People’s Union – UNL

Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority – Psi Omega Chapter

Bold Alliance

Coalition for a Strong Nebraska

Define American at UNL

Habitat for Humanity – Omaha

Holland Children’s Institute

Inclusive Communities


Institute for Public Leadership

League of Women Voters of Greater Omaha

Nebraskans for Civic Reform

Nebraska Appleseed

Nonprofit Association of the Midlands


Planned Parenthood of the Heartland

Rebuild Nebraska


YWCA Lincoln


Nebraskans across the state can make phone calls to elected officials about important issues.

Several recent and upcoming grassroots events highlight this passionate spirit among Nebraskans to come together and learn how to be a voice for strong families, united communities, and justice for all, including:

  • Hundreds of Nebraskans attended January 12 vigils to support immigrants and refugees in Lincoln and Omaha.
  • “Writers Resist” workshops in Lincoln and Omaha to promote civil rights.
  • The 22nd Annual Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Youth Rally and March on Jan. 21 in Lincoln.
  • Women’s marches in Omaha, Lincoln, and Loup City held in conjunction with the historic women’s marches across the country on Jan. 21.
  • Nearly 150 Nebraskans delivered personal letters to Sen. Deb Fischer and Sen. Ben Sasse’s offices on Jan. 24 urging them to support access to quality health care.
  • An upcoming “We Stand United” community discussion in Lincoln on Jan. 28
  • Upcoming voting rights advocacy training hosted by Nebraskans for Civic Reform on Feb. 4

During 100 Days of Justice, there is a way for everyone – from an individual, a small group of friends, or a community organization – to take part and help unite Nebraskans to raise their voices to create positive change. Some examples are:

  • Holding turnout events around an important issue.
  • Organizing phone calls to lawmakers
  • Holding small gatherings at your home to make calls or write emails to lawmakers.
  • Sharing personal stories with friends or co-workers about how an issue affects you.
  • Volunteering for a local organization that shares your interest.

Individual Nebraskans or organizations who want to learn more about how to participate in “100 Days of Justice” should contact one of the participating organizations listed above. Everyone has a role to play in building a better Nebraska where everyone can live “The Good Life,” and everyone’s voice is important.

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1 thought on ““100 Days of Justice” to unite Nebraskans to work for positive change”

  1. it seems we are entering into some form of police state!!!- I thank my lucky heavens for appleseed you fill my heart with hope. Thank you to every single one of you.

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