TAKE ACTION – Say “No” to destructive anti-immigrant orders

Nebraska’s values call us to welcome new neighbors, and for generations, people who have moved here from other countries have made invaluable contributions to our state.

But today, President Trump issued a package of destructive executive orders that would have us turn our backs on those Nebraska values of community and inclusivity. These orders would increase imprisonment of families with children, needlessly pour taxpayer dollars into a divisive distraction, and undermine community policing.

Read the Executive Orders to increase detention and build a border fence

It’s important for you to speak up today! Please contact our U.S. Senators and your Congressman and tell them you oppose these discriminatory executive orders.


Sen. Deb Fischer (402) 441-4600    Sen. Ben Sasse (402) 476-1400

Click here to find your U.S. Representative


Tell our members of Congress:

  • You’re deeply worried about the President’s executive orders and you oppose heavy-handed immigration policies that put families and children into immigrant prisons.
  • These executive orders will have an immediate negative impact on communities by tearing apart families and taking up important police resources that should be better spent keeping families safe.
  • We must have updated immigration laws that make united communities and strong families the priority.

Call our members of Congress today. Tell them we need an immigration policy that supports united communities, strong families, and true security.

Nebraskans know building bridges is much more important than building walls. Welcoming immigrants and recognizing their continued contributions to our communities is a defining feature of America’s past, present and future.

Note:  As we obtain more information about the Executive Order to ban refugees that is expected Thursday, we will send you additional information. Please make your first call to members of Congress today.

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