RELEASE – Nebraska Appleseed Statement on Anti-Immigrant Executive Orders

***For Immediate Release***

January 25, 2017


Contact, Jeff Sheldon
Communications Director, Nebraska Appleseed
Office: (402) 438-8853
Mobile: (402) 840-7289

Nebraska Appleseed Statement on Anti-Immigrant Executive Orders

Discriminatory actions will undermine community safety, are unworthy of American values of hope, justice, and freedom


LINCOLN — Today, President Donald Trump issued a package of harsh anti-immigrant executive orders to increase family detention and undermine community policing. Nebraska Appleseed Immigrants & Communities Director Darcy Tromanhauser issued this statement in response.


“These ruthless orders demonstrate a severe lack of understanding about how we should improve and modernize our immigration system,” Tromanhauser said. “Instead, these orders illustrate callous disregard for Nebraska families and communities, as well as people in every state who will be harmed.”


“These orders will have an immediate and negative impact on American families and community stability. They will severely undermine the important relationship between law enforcement and the communities they serve and encourage detentions based only on the color of someone’s skin. This flies in the face of the American values that have made us a beacon of safety and hope for those escaping danger. Increasing family prisons and sending children back to extreme violence are not what our country stands for.  


“The many components included in today’s orders signal a heavy-handed and discriminatory approach to family separation without regard to due process or circumstances. And the proposal for a new border wall is an expensive and dangerous distraction from the serious policy conversation we should be having about an immigration policy that supports united communities, strong families, and true security.”

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