Note: We’ve been overwhelmed by the number of Nebraskans who wanted to tell us how the health insurance protections of the Affordable Care Act have improved their lives. This is one of those stories.
Want to share your story with us? Tell us why the ACA matters to you at
I have lived in Nebraska for the last 15 years, after moving from South Dakota. I am proud to call Lincoln my home! This is where my husband and I have chosen to raise our three children, ages 10, 6, and 3.
I graduated from SCC in 2008 with a degree in Business Administration and have been self-employed since 2012. I am an in-home child care provider, and my husband and I also have our own eBay store.
When I first became self-employed, I was worried about living without health insurance, but we were young and healthy and never went to the doctor for anything, anyway. It wasn’t ideal, but it was all we could do at the time.
Later, when we found out through friends that we could receive affordable insurance through the Marketplace, we jumped at the chance. We were shocked and happy to find out just how affordable it was for us. The tax credits that we’ve received have allowed us the option to choose a health care plan that fits our needs and not choose one just because it’s the cheapest plan they offer.
We are able to compare plans and pick one that benefits us the most without worrying about how much it will cost. Because of the tax credits, we felt comfortable choosing a plan with a lower deductible because the monthly premium was still affordable for us.
Because of the ACA, we could continue to work at building our self-employment dreams without worrying about what we would do if we got sick. It has allowed us the freedom to continue working toward our goals without having to fall back into the workforce simply for the security of health insurance. We now are able to visit the doctor regularly and be seen when we are ill. The ACA has truly been a blessing for our family.
Take Action!
Call the local offices of Nebraska’s U.S. Senators today and tell them you’re disappointed in their votes to start repealing the ACA with no immediate replacement plan in place that offers the same level of coverage and consumer protections. Tell them they should not repeal and delay.
Sen. Deb Fischer (402) 441-4600 Sen. Ben Sasse (402) 476-1400