Take Action – Protect hard-working young Nebraskans

We know that 2017 is going to be a big year to defend and fight for many of the big issues we all care about.

DREAMers-groupWe’re going to need your help to stand up for immigrant Nebraskans who give so much to our communities, for a health care system that lets everyone get the care they need, and for more opportunities for hard-working families to escape poverty.

Now is a critical moment to stand up with DREAMers. President Obama’s Deferred Action for Child Arrivals (DACA) program is under threat of being repealed. The DACA program allows young immigrant Nebraskans known as “DREAMers” to remain in Nebraska with their families, go to work and school, and contribute to our economy.  

During the recent state legislative sessions, there was enormous community appreciation for DACA youth and their contributions to Nebraska communities across the state – from diverse supporters like the Nebraska Hospital Association, Nebraska Cattlemen, chambers of commerce, local leaders, and local schools.

Please call Nebraska’s U.S. Senators and your Congressman today, and ask them what they are going to do to protect DREAMers who grew up in Nebraska communities and want to continue contributing their skills to the place they know as home. Tell them you support DACA youth and their families, and you want our Nebraska delegation to communicate to the incoming Administration to protect the DACA program and work on a long-term plan to protect DACA youth and their families.

Call and leave a message at their local offices.

Sen. Deb Fischer (402) 441-4600   Sen. Ben Sasse (402) 476-1400

Click here to find your U.S. Representative


Many Nebraska families face uncertainty and fear for what the future holds for them. Strong, united families are the backbone of Nebraska’s communities.

Ask our U.S. Senators and your Congressman what they are going to do to protect DREAMers and keep Nebraska families united for the future we are building together in this state.

Looking for other information and resources to share with immigrant Nebraskan friends and family? Here is a list of resources for immigrants, refugees, DACAmented, and advocates.

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