Appleseed Statement on Legislature passing LB 947

***For Immediate Release***

April 13, 2016


Contact, Jeff Sheldon
Communications Director, Nebraska Appleseed
Office: (402) 438-8853
Mobile: (402) 840-7289


Appleseed Statement on Legislature passing LB 947

Bill will allow Nebraska to gain much from the skills and talents in our state


Today, Nebraska Appleseed Immigrants & Communities Director Darcy Tromanhauser issued the following statement on the Legislature’s Final Reading vote to pass LB 947:


“The Legislature passing LB 947 is a great step forward for Nebraska because we all have much to gain from the skills, talent, and hard work of the young people who could obtain their professional licenses under the bill,” Tromanhauser said. “The wide array of strong community support from the Nebraska Cattlemen, the Nebraska Chamber of Commerce, Omaha Chamber of Commerce, Nebraska Hospital Association, Nebraska Catholic Conference, Omaha Mayor Jean Stothert, and many other groups and community leaders is evidence that letting hard-working young people pursue their career dreams here at home is a common-sense policy that will benefit our communities.

“We thank the state Senators who supported LB 947 and urge Governor Ricketts to sign the bill so the next generation of teachers, nurses, engineers, and other business leaders can begin their careers in their home state.”

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