***For Immediate Release***
June 6, 2015
Contact, Jeff Sheldon
Communications Director, Nebraska Appleseed
Office: (402) 438-8853
Mobile: (402) 840-7289
Capitol Rally calls for Legislature to close the Coverage Gap
Nearly 77,000 uninsured Nebraskans can’t wait for solution
LINCOLN — Saturday, a crowd of approximately 100 supporters gathered outside the State Capitol to call for Nebraska’s State Senators to find a solution to close the coverage gap that leaves around 77,000 Nebraskans unable to afford health insurance.
At the rally, speakers told their personal stories about the difficulties and struggles of living without important health coverage, and how Nebraska as a whole benefits when everyone can get the health care they need.
Advocate Lynn Redding of Wood River told the crowd about her friend and long-time health care activist Todd Ruhter of Grand Island, who passed away this spring after a long battle with illness that he fought without having health insurance.
“Todd put himself before others. He would give the shirt off his back if it would help someone,” Redding said. “I am tremendously sad, angry and frustrated at losing one of my best friends. I am urging my legislative friends to pay close attention to all of these individual stories. They could be your neighbors, family, or even yourselves.”
Amanda Gershon, a Lincoln resident who is uninsured, has spoken to State Senators on many occasions on the need for a Legislative solution to the coverage gap crisis. She again advocated on Saturday for State Senators to work together to expand Medicaid for Nebraskans like her.
“I challenge every State Senator who voted No on LB 472 to find a realistic solution for people like me,” Gershon said. “Give me the opportunity to get better, the ability to fight whatever is attacking my body. Give me a chance to feel better, to do better. Give me a chance to get out of the Medicaid gap.”
Attendees charged Nebraska’s elected officials to work together to create a plan that allows every Nebraskan to be able to afford health coverage while bringing tax dollars back to our state that stabilizes our health care system, creates jobs, and strengthens our economy.
“We all want Nebraska to be the healthiest state it can be, where everyone can afford to see a doctor and get the health care they need when they need it,” said Jeff Sheldon, Nebraska Appleseed Communications Director. “The good news is this is a problem that can be fixed. Our State Senators have shown they’re not afraid to tackle tough problems. Closing the coverage gap must be their top priority during the interim and during the next Legislative session.”
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