***For Immediate Release***
May 27, 2015
Contact, Jeff Sheldon
Communications Director, Nebraska Appleseed
Office: (402) 438-8853
Mobile: (402) 840-7289
Appleseed Statement on Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals Ruling delaying DAPA/DACA
Delay of program puts families in jeopardy, limits economic contributions
LINCOLN — Today, Nebraska Appleseed Immigrants & Communities Director Darcy Tromanhauser issued the following statement on the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals ruling to deny an emergency request to lift an injunction, which will continue to delay implementation of the President’s administrative relief programs for those who qualify for expanded Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) and Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents (DAPA).
“While we are confident that in the end the President’s Administrative Relief to keep families together ultimately will be upheld, Nebraska Appleseed is disappointed with this week’s Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals ruling to delay implementation of DAPA and the expanded DACA programs,” Tromanhauser said. “These temporary programs are much-needed protections for thousands of Nebraska families and immigrant Nebraskans with strong ties to our state and our country. Legal experts agree the program has a strong legal foundation and historical precedent. Nebraska families and communities will continue preparing for implementation.
“Helping this hardworking group of immigrants to remain with their families and continue contributing to our country not only is the right moral choice, but it also has enormous benefits to the local, state, and national economy. A recent study found with full implementation of DAPA and extended DACA, Nebraska would gain an additional $3.3 million a year in tax revenue beyond the $44 million undocumented immigrants currently pay in taxes each year in Nebraska.”
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