***For Immediate Release***
May 5, 2015
Contact, Jeff Sheldon
Communications Director, Nebraska Appleseed
Office: (402) 438-8853
Mobile: (402) 840-7289
Appleseed Statement on working families aid funding
Compromise is first step to increase stability for working, low-income families
LINCOLN — Today, Nebraska Appleseed Executive Director Rebecca Gould issued the following statement on the announced compromise reached on adding aspects of LB 89 as an amendment on to LB 607.
“We are happy to hear of a compromise reached that appears to bring a measure of help for Nebraska’s poorest children and families yet this year,” Gould said. “We believe AM 1551, which retains many of the key elements of LB 89, is a positive step forward, however, there still is more work to do to ensure stability for families that are working hard to get ahead and provide for their children.
“The last week has been a reminder that we will always need leaders to fight hard in our State Capitol for good policy that supports low-income families. We thank Senator Kathy Campbell for being one of those leaders and for her continued efforts to find a path out of poverty for hard-working Nebraska families this session. After this compromise, we urge the Legislature to swiftly pass, and the Governor to sign, LB 607 with AM 1551.”
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