Appleseed statement on working families support bill LB 89

***For Immediate Release***

February 6, 2015


Contact, Jeff SheldonNE_Appleseed_Icons_PublicAssistance-128
Communications Director, Nebraska Appleseed
Office: (402) 438-8853
Mobile: (402) 840-7289


Nebraska Appleseed statement on LB 89 heard by HHS Committee Friday

Bill would help Nebraska families to stay together while rewarding hard work


Friday, Nebraska Appleseed Executive Director Rebecca Gould issued the following statement in support of LB 89, a bill introduced by State Senator Kathy Campbell (District 25, Lincoln) which received a hearing today by the Legislature’s Health and Human Services Committee.


“Nearly one in five Nebraska children live in poverty, and two-thirds of children in our child welfare system enter because their basic physical, medical, emotional, or educational needs are not being met,” Gould said. “LB 89 would help families meet their basic needs, which gives us the stable families that form the backbone of a strong state.”


“LB 89 is an effective measure to fight poverty, which is fundamental to the well-being of children and families in our community,” Gould said. “By raising the Aid to Dependent Children payment for the first time in nearly 30 years, we can help address poverty and enable families to meet their children’s basic needs in their own home.”

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