Take Action to Support Important Bills in Legislature
Last week the Legislature did not debate any of Appleseed’s priority bills. But this week a key child welfare bill is on the agenda. So your senators need to hear from you on a number of important bills this week.

Vital transition services for youth aging out of foster care scheduled for debate this week
LB 216 has been scheduled for debate this week. It is on the agenda for tomorrow (Tuesday). This bill would would take advantage of a federal option to create a system of extended transition services and support for young people who age out of Nebraska’s foster care system. These critical services would better meet the needs of these young people in a more inclusive and age-appropriate way.
Take action to support LB 216 today! Call or write your state senator and tell them this bill gives young people transitioning from foster care a real opportunity to be productive, healthy, and engaged members of our community as adults.
Read Appleseed’s fact sheet on LB 216
New Medicaid program a good opportunity and real solution for Nebraska
LB 577 would implement the Affordable Care Act’s new Medicaid program in Nebraska. It would provide health care access to at least 54,000 uninsured Nebraskans, bring more than $2 billion tax dollars back to our state, grow the economy, and save lives. Read Appleseed’s fact sheet on LB 577 and watch this video on how Medicaid works in Nebraska.
You can take action to support LB 577. Call or write your state senator and tell them this bill is a win-win for the health of Nebraska’s economy and our people.
HHS Committee kills prenatal repeal bill
On March 27, the Health and Human Services Committee voted 6-0 to indefinitely postpone, or “kill,” LB 518 – a bill that would have repealed a law passed in the Legislature last year (LB 599) that allows all low-income babies in Nebraska to receive access to prenatal care.
Appleseed testified in opposition to this bill and is pleased the HHS Committee continues to recognize, as the full Legislature did last year, that prenatal care is sound health policy, fiscally responsible, and the right thing to do.
Support Federal Immigration Reform
When the U.S. Congress comes back from its recess on April 8, there will likely be debate on an immigration reform bill.
Please call your U.S. senator or congressman and tell them we need a common-sense immigration reform law that includes a clear pathway to citizenship. A pathway to citizenship keeps Nebraska families together, gives certainty to our businesses, and provides stability for our communities.
Call our Nebraska representatives at either the local number or the Washington D.C. number (202 area code) and tell them now is the time for an immigration law that reflects our Nebraska values.
Sen. Mike Johanns (202) 224-4224 or (402) 476-1400
Sen. Deb Fischer (202) 224-6551 or (402) 441-4600
Rep. Jeff Fortenberry (202) 225-4806 or (402) 438-1598
Rep. Lee Terry (202) 225-4155 or (402) 397-9944
Rep. Adrian Smith (308) 384-3900 or (202) 225-6435
Stay up to date on Appleseed’s issues
You can keep up with all the exciting happenings at the Legislature by following Appleseed online. Like our Facebook page and follow issues and legislative hearings in real-time on Appleseed’s Twitter feed.
Plus, stop by our Appleseed Blog for opinion pieces, informative updates, and news stories, and visit our Vimeo page for videos of what we’re working on throughout 2013.
We will keep you updated on the latest in floor debate and we’ll let you know how you can take action to get involved and make your voice heard!