Join Appleseed for free webinar on the ACA and Youth Formerly in Foster Care

LEARN-MOREOn January 1, 2014 several important provisions of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) will start being enforced. Some of these provisions directly benefit former foster care youth so it is important for advocates and professionals working with youth in foster care to understand the pertinent eligibility criteria so they can successfully help youth access health care as they transition out of the foster care system.

On Thursday, March 28, Nebraska Appleseed will host a webinar that will provide you with an overview of the ACA, the new Medicaid category for youth formerly in foster care, youth who could benefit from the new Medicaid program, and how attorneys can ensure that older youth will be eligible for this program.

What: Free Webinar: “The Affordable Care Act and Youth Formerly in Foster Care”
When: Thursday, March 28, 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM Central (Add to Calendar)

This webinar will be submitted for CLE credits, which will be provided to attorneys at no cost.

Please click here to register and receive your login instructions

We hope you will join us!  If you have any questions, please contact Robert McEwen at (402) 438-8853, ext. 115 or

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