Lincoln For Fair Housing has qualified for the ballot!

I have exciting news!

Today, the Lancaster County Election Commissioner certified the Lincoln For Fair Housing ballot initiative!

Today, landlords in Lincoln can refuse to rent to people based on how they pay, such as housing vouchers, disability benefits, social security, or veteran benefits. It’s called source-of-income discrimination. It’s simply unfair and prevents people from accessing the housing they need. Right now, nearly one in three housing voucher holders must return their assistance because they can’t find a willing landlord.

Lincoln For Fair Housing’s ballot initiative will prohibit landlords and property managers from turning away tenants based solely on how they pay rent. This policy has been adopted in 22 states and 128 cities nationwide – cutting housing voucher failure rates in half.

Now, the measure will go to the Lincoln City Council, where they have the opportunity to pass it into law directly. Given the broad support for these important protections, we encourage the Council to adopt the ordinance swiftly. If they decide not to, the measure will be placed on the May 6 ballot.

Lincolnites, contact your City Councilperson today:

Tell them that Lincolnites have spoken: No one should be denied a home because of how they pay rent. With our ballot initiative certified, our city is now empowered to ensure fair access to housing for all.

Thank you for helping build a Lincoln where no one is turned away from housing based on how they will pay their rent. Together, we can end source of income discrimination in Lincoln and ensure Lincolnites can find a place to call home.

P.S. Want to help support the campaign? Contribute online to Lincoln for Fair Housing today.

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