Unpacking the Medicaid “Unwind”

Changes to the Medicaid program significantly impact Nebraska families and communities. Medicaid not only supports the health and well-being of Nebraskans, it also supports Nebraska’s workforce, health systems, and economy. 

Federal Medicaid protections related to the COVID-19 pandemic allowed most Medicaid enrollees to be continuously enrolled in coverage until those protections ended, and enrollment renewals, in March 2023. These historic changes highlighted many benefits from continuous enrollment, significant challenges in the renewal process, and opportunities to improve Nebraska Medicaid.

This policy brief reviews the recent changes to Medicaid, provides a snapshot of the current impact of the changes, and offers next steps to improve Medicaid based on lessons learned.

Have you been impacted by changes in Nebraska Medicaid? We want to hear from you! Reach out to us directly at: neappleseed.org/medicaidhelp

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