Legislative Update

At the Capitol: LB20 advances to select file

With only 10 legislative days left, senators will continue all-day debate over the next couple of weeks until we hit Day 60. Debate typically takes place from 9am-12pm and 1:30pm-5pm, and last week started the session’s late night schedule which will continue through the end of next week. 

We were excited to see ✅ LB20 (Senator Justin Wayne) move forward to select file, with 34 senators supporting the bill. LB20 would restore the right to vote for Nebraskans who have a felony conviction by eliminating the arbitrary and unnecessary two year waiting period after they have served their sentence. Voting is one of the many actions that reinforces values of civic duty to reduce recidivism and encourages a sense of community, normalcy, and political efficacy for people reentering society. 

This legislation has been something that we, along with many other partners, community leaders, and directly affected individuals have been strongly advocating for over the past few years because thousands of Nebraskans would have their voting rights restored. 

Before the session concludes, we hope the Legislature swiftly advances LB20 through the last two rounds of debate and that the Governor signs it. 

The Legislature is expected to begin debate on LB388 (Senator Lou Ann Linehan), which will house a harmful sales tax package, including a one-cent sales tax increase. While the details have yet to be made available to the public, Appleseed will stand opposed to any increase to the sales tax. Sales taxes are the most regressive form of taxation, often hitting low-income individuals and families the hardest. It is also the most unpredictable form of taxation and it should not be the funding stream we rely on to fund our most important government functions. 

TAKE ACTION: Call or email your state senator and tell them to OPPOSE LB388 this week!

Additionally this week, we anticipate ✅ LB233 (Senator John Cavanaugh) will reach the floor for the first round of debate. A Speaker-designated priority, this bill would eliminate child support income as a factor in determining eligibility for Aid to Dependent Children (ADC) benefits.

ADC is a direct cash assistance program funded by the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Block Grant. Currently, when a Nebraska parent applies for ADC, they are required to turn over their rights to child support payments to the State of Nebraska. LB233 would ensure that child support income is used to support children and families, not the state.

Follow along: You can live stream all legislative happenings through Nebraska Public Media.

You can keep up with all the happenings at the Legislature by following Appleseed online: 

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  • We’ll let you know how you can take action to get involved and make your voice heard throughout the session!

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