Facing a SNAP overpayment or worried about receiving one? Below, you’ll find resources with information on…
- Why an overpayment might happen
- Steps you can take to resolve or appeal an overpayment, and
- Tips on minimizing your risk of receiving overpayment notices in the future.
Did you know… federal law requires states to pursue SNAP overpayments, regardless of whether that overpayment resulted from household or agency error. Watch our video to learn more!
*El video sobre pagos excesivos del programa SNAP tiene subtítulos en español*
Appealing a SNAP overpayment and requesting a reduction of the overpayment amount can save hundreds or thousands of dollars in repayments for some Nebraskans. Find information on how to appeal in our handy digital Appeals brochure. If you have received an overpayments notice that includes SNAP Emergency Allotments funds, visit this blog with additional information on navigating your appeal.
SNAP overpayments can create a huge burden for Nebraska families. We hope this information is helpful to you and your loved ones as you navigate this difficult process.
The information provided in this blog post is not legal advice. All content is for general informational purposes only.
***If you are seeking printed or printable SNAP Overpayments resources for distribution or to have on hand, please me at email mhamann@neappleseed.org.