All people deserve a fair chance to have their story heard

Immigrants targeted through Expedited Removal expansion

“Show me your papers” policy leads to racial profiling, U.S. citizens being detained, and immigrants hastily being deported without due process


Our diverse and inclusive community is a tapestry woven of mixed status families, naturalized citizens and citizens born on U.S. soil or to a U.S. parent, foreign exchange students, refugees, TPS residents, Dreamers, and immigrants and green card holders who are all living and working to achieve their dreams. All people deserve a fair chance to have their case heard and remain in the country they call home — for many, the only home they’ve ever known. 

Yet, the Administration’s new policy would foreclose the possibility of due process under an expanded form of a process called “expedited removal.” Under the previous, harmful policy, expedited removal allows ICE or CBP officers to quickly deport people within 100 miles of the border and 14 days after arrival, without a hearing, acting as both prosecutor and judge. As of July 23, expedited removal was expanded to apply nationwide to those who are encountered by ICE or CBP within their own communities, who have been physically and continuously present in the U.S. for less than two years. 

Due process is a human right central to our justice system. The lack of due process and consideration for human dignity in the expedited removal process leads to dire consequences for our communities. There have even been multiple instances of U.S. citizens being detained. 

We need to work together to make sure everyone is safe and respected. We should update our outdated immigration laws. Any policy that leads to people being unlawfully detained and immigrants and asylum seekers deported without a fair hearing doesn’t make sense. Deporting and detaining people without due process is wrong. 

Speak out and take action. Tell Congress our immigration system needs to be updated and that we are stronger as a community when we welcome and celebrate our neighbors, not when we exclude and discriminate. Everyone deserves access to a just legal system.

Contact your U.S. Senators and Representative in Congress:

  • Sen. Deb Fischer 402-441-4600
  • Sen. Ben Sasse 402-476-1400
  • Dist 1: Rep. Jeff Fortenberry 402-438-1598
  • Dist 2: Rep. Don Bacon 402-938-0300
  • Dist 3: Rep. Adrian Smith 308-384-3900

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