Letting Nebraskans choose a healthier future

For the last six years, we’ve been fighting tooth and nail to get the Nebraska Legislature to expand Medicaid so that 90,000 hard-working people in our state can finally get the health care they need.

For far too long, our lawmakers have failed to provide a way for many of our family, friends, and neighbors to afford the coverage that everyone needs. Well, we’re done waiting. Today, we joined an effort to give you the power to decide.

This morning we stood with other health care advocates, stakeholders and supporters at the State Capitol to announce the launch of the “Insure The Good Life” campaign. Our goal: to gather enough petition signatures by July to put the choice of expanding Medicaid in front of Nebraska voters on the ballot this November.

Amanda Gershon, a member of the Insure The Good Life ballot committee, speaks at a press conference on March 9, 2018.

By putting this measure on the ballot, we can give voters like you the chance to choose a healthier future. Friday, we heard from our friend Amanda Gershon, a woman who has battled her own health challenges, but remains as committed as ever to fight for her uninsured friends to finally get the care they need.

“While Nebraska’s lawmakers have not solved this problem, we’ve watched 32 other states and the District of Columbia expand Medicaid to give people a path to a healthier life,” Amanda said. “But this year, we the people can do the right thing and finally make the choice ourselves.”

We know this isn’t going to be easy. To get Medicaid expansion on the ballot, we’ll need to collect over 85,000 signatures from registered Nebraska voters by July 6. We know that thousands of Nebraskans across the state are ready to demand affordable health care for all, but we’ll need your help to reach them.

Every petition signature you can get from your friends, coworkers, or neighbors will put us another step closer to a long-overdue vote on Medicaid expansion. In the coming weeks, we’ll be telling you more ways to get involved, but if you’d like to learn more now, email Felipe Blanco at fblanco@neappleseed.org.

You can also connect with Insure The Good Life on Facebook and Twitter.

Click here to see photos from the kick-off press conference

Thank you for your dedicated support of affordable, quality health care in our state. Together, we will INSURE THE GOOD LIFE for all Nebraskans this November!

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