A week of overwhelming support for Syrian refugees in Nebraska

close up of participantsIn recent weeks, a national conversation was sparked around refugees from Syria. Nebraska has long been a safe and welcoming home for those escaping violence throughout the world, and on November 17, Nebraska Appleseed issued a statement urging our elected leaders to welcome refugees in keeping with our state’s values of compassion and humanity.

In the week before the Thanksgiving holiday, it was both encouraging and humbling to see that sentiment reflected by many hundreds of Nebraskans, who showed their strong support for welcoming Syrian refugees in Nebraska.

More than 700 Nebraskans gathered for candlelight vigils for refugees in Lincoln and Omaha on Monday night. The Great Plains Conference of the United Methodist Church announced 35 congregations in Nebraska and Kansas ready to welcome Syrian families. And 31 Nebraska organizations delivered a letter to Governor Ricketts urging him to change his request to the federal government to halt resettlement of Syrian refugees in the state.

Take Action

Many of you have asked how to get involved to support Nebraska remaining a safe home for refugees seeking safety. You can sign up on our Take Action page to stay informed about the next steps to make a difference on this issue.

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Videos of Lincoln vigil


For more videos from the vigil, visit Appleseed’s Vimeo page.

Lincoln Refugee Vigil – Rev. Jacob Buchholz from Nebraska Appleseed on Vimeo.


Lincoln Refugee Vigil – Rabbi Craig Lewis from Nebraska Appleseed on Vimeo.


Lincoln Refugee Vigil – Sief Mahagoub from Nebraska Appleseed on Vimeo.


News Coverage


Omaha World-Herald: In candlelight vigils, hundreds unite to show that ‘Nebraskans will accept Syrian refugees’

Lincoln Journal Star: ‘Like I’m home’: Tower Square vigil welcomes Syrian refugees to Nebraska

KLKN-TV: Hundreds gather at candlelight vigil for refugees

KLIN Radio: Candlelight Vigil Supports Nebraska As Safe Home for Refugees

Lincoln Journal Star: 31 groups ask Ricketts to rescind request to halt Syrian refugees

Lincoln Journal Star: A refugee who loves Nebraska, ashamed of its leader

Omaha World Herald: Syrians in Nebraska plead: Don’t turn your back on refugees

KETV: Hundreds in Omaha, Lincoln take part in candlelit vigil for refugees

WOWT-TV: Hundreds Gather for Vigil to Support Refugees

NBC News: Yazidis in U.S. Grateful This Thanksgiving for Escaping ISIS

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