Appleseed Statement on re-settlement of Syrian refugees

***For Immediate Release***

November 17, 2015


Contact, Jeff Sheldon
Communications Director, Nebraska Appleseed
(402) 438-8853 (office)
(402) 840-7289 (cell)


Appleseed Statement on Re-Settlement of Syrian Refugees

Nebraska must live up to values of humanity, State has role to play in refugee crisis


LINCOLN — Tuesday, Nebraska Appleseed Immigrants & Communities Director Darcy Tromanhauser released the following statement on the importance of resettling Syrian refugees in Nebraska in light of Governor Ricketts’s letter opposing their re-settlement in Nebraska.

“Nebraska and the United States have a critical and historic role to play in our current global refugee crisis, the largest displacement of people since World War II. Specifically, we must do our part to provide safe refuge to the 4 million Syrian refugees fleeing violence and terror,” Tromanhauser said. “Denying that opportunity to Syrian refugees – who have been confronted by the type of senseless violence that unfolded on the streets of Paris for almost five years – is not only unconstitutional, but violates the values of who we are as Nebraskans and Americans.

“Nebraska has been made stronger and richer by the contributions of people of all backgrounds and nationalities. Now more than ever, we must live up to the values of decency, community, and humanity that make Nebraska our proud home and not turn away those who seek escape from the very terror we are trying to prevent.”

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2 thoughts on “Appleseed Statement on re-settlement of Syrian refugees”

  1. Craig Bagstad

    Thank you for your leadership.
    I refuse to believe that Nebraska has turned into the craven, bigoted people that Ricketts and others want us to be.

  2. Sharon Gibson

    I am proud of Nebraska Appleseed. You are a shining example to all of us.

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