***For Immediate Release***
May 28, 2015
Contact, Jeff Sheldon
Communications Director, Nebraska Appleseed
Office: (402) 438-8853
Mobile: (402) 840-7289
Appleseed Statement on Legislature’s override of Governor’s veto of DREAMers driver’s license bill
Vote shows overwhelming support to let talented young Nebraskans contribute to their communities
LINCOLN — Thursday, Nebraska Appleseed Immigrants & Communities Director Darcy Tromanhauser issued the following statement on the Legislature’s vote to pass LB 623 notwithstanding the objections of Governor Ricketts.
“Today the Legislature once again showed the overwhelming majority supports allowing hard-working, talented young immigrant Nebraskans to contribute more fully to their communities by being able to obtain driver’s licenses,” Tromanhauser said. “This long-overdue step makes Nebraska the final state to allow DREAMers to receive driver’s licenses so they can reach work and get to school.
“Throughout this session, young DREAMers from across the state have spoken up about how Nebraska is their home. They were joined by statewide business, faith, and community leaders who recognize their value and contributions. We thank the State Senators who voted in favor of LB 623 for adding their voices to the chorus of support that acknowledges DREAMers have so much to add to our state and are an important part of our communities’ future.”
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